Victor Kovshevny

Dr. Viktor Haefeli
[Smart Resources, Switzerland]

Vladimir Dvoretskiy
[Association “Republican Union of Secondary Metallurgy Industrialists”]

Natalia Belyaeva

Aleksandr Kobenko

Dmitry G. Elansky

Maxim Mikhailov

Andrey A. Saveliev
[Ministry of Industry and Trade of the RF]

Andrey A. Zelenin
[LLC RA Rusmet]

Denis Sarana
[Founder and Director DV-Invest]

Nikita Ryblenkov
[Executive Secretary, Director for Government Relations Association of Electrometallurgical Enterprises (AEMP)]

Denis Kondratiev
[Board member SRO League of Waste Paper Converters]

Anastasiia Nesterova
[Senior analyst LLC RA Rusmet]

Marina Uglovskaya
[Executive director of the National Recycling Association RUSLOM.COM]

Maxim Tretyakov
[President of the Association «Elektrokabel»]

Andrey Korablin
[founder and owner of Smart Scrap]

Vadim Tarasov
[Dr. of Tech. Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Non-ferrous Metals and Gold, MISIS]

Alexey Alipchenko
[Member of the Presidium, National Recycling Association RUSLOM.COM]

Dmitry Stukalov
[Project manager LLC RA Rusmet]

Alexander Shepelev
[CEO, Taurus Motors Ltd]

Sergey Astakhov
[CEO, Translom]

Denis Khrenov
[Senior Vice President - Branch Manager Prosto|Bank СUB Bank (JSC)]

Mikhail Tarakanov
[CEO, MegaRex LLC]

Alexey Sentyurin
[Executive Director Association Russian Steel]

Alexey Kanaev
[Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the RF, Member of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, Industry, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship]

Dmitry Puzanov
[Director of The Council of Secondary Non-Ferrous Metallurgy Industrial Enterprices]

Maxim Ilyin
[Chief Manager, VTB Bank]

Andrey Lugovoi
[Deputy of the State Duma, member of the Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption]

Viktor Tarnavsky
[Head of the Analytics Department, LLC IIS Metal Supply and Sales]

Lev Liokumovich
[Head of the Legal Department of the Scrap Collection Complex of the Directorate for Legal Affairs of PJSC NLMK]

Mikhail Gagarin
[CEO «Industrial Market»]

Kristina Gronskaya
[Head of Analytics and Research in the Metal Scrap and Waste Management Industry LLC RA Rusmet]

Kiyachenko Victoria
[Head of Mass Business Department, QIWI Bank]

Hu Pinlong

Teng Yue
[CEO, «HuaHong-Russ», LLC]

Dmitry Stechkevich
[CEO OJSC «Pskovvtormet»]

Alexander Kornev
[CEO Almaz LLC]

Evgeny Konyakhin
[Chairman of the board Directors, Industrial Technopark «Yug-Met»]

Nikolai Litvinov
[Craft Mind]

Sergey Savitsky
[Craft Mind]

Ekaterina Beletskaya
[Marketing director VladVneshService]

Olga Ogorodnikova

Nikita Taganovich
[Sector manager Recycling ALUMINUM ASSOCIATION]

Snezhana Ravlyuk
[Expert / Market Research ALUMINUM ASSOCIATION]

Alexander Andreevsky
[CEO «Vtorium»]

Andrey Tsydenov
[CEO JSC Plant of aluminum alloys]

Oleg Khoroshiy
[State Advisor to the Tax Service of the RF, III rank, Head of the Organizational Income Tax Division of the Tax Policy Department]

Alexey Mitrofanov
[Member of the Presidium of the Association NSRO «RUSLOM.COM», founder of MetallTorg LLC]

Artur Avanesyan
[Director of Payment Services Department, Mandarin Functional Payment Platform]

Egor Shipitsin
[The owner of the group of companies LLC Bulldog]

Alexey Krasnikov
[CEO, AT Machinery Ltd.]

Artyom Yustus
[Director of Development « SnosStroyInvest»]

Roman Slattner
[Specialist-analyst for the research of external commodity markets, LLC RA Rusmet]

Kirill Perov
[Deputy Chairman of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Committee for the Development of the Circular Economy]

Maria Tyukaeva
[Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the RF for the Development of the Circular Economy]

Kirill Dozmarov
[Advocate Kulik & Partners Law. economics]

Tatiana Basova
[Head of Economic Research Unit Consulting company Kulik & Partners Law]

Elena Vikhlyaeva
[State Councilor of the RF, 1st class, Deputy Head, Value Added Tax Division of the Department of Tax and Customs Policy of the Ministry of Finance of the RF]

Sergey Shalyaev
[Advisor to the State Civil Service of the RF, 1st class, head of the control department of the Interregional Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the largest taxpayers No. 1.]

Kirill Kandeev
[Head of Development Department «SnosStroyInvest»]

Evgeniy Sarana

Yulia Kuzovleva
[Deputy General Director, Oris Prom]

Kirill Raychenko
[Product Director OOO «Vtorium»]

Nikolay Dorogov
[Doctor of Economics, Professor, Deputy Director of the Higher School of Tariff Regulation, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics]

Olga Golub
[Head of Department of Resource Saving Methodology Department Federal State Autonomous Body Research Institute “Environmental Industrial Policy Centre”]

Nikolay Pavlov
[Chairman of the Presidium of the Association of Waste Recyclers Klever]

Anna Stern
[Legal Director of Euromet LLC, member of the LODM Management Committee of the National Recycling Association RUSLOM.COM]

Anthea Shi
[Steel scrap Analyst Mysteel Global]

Кренц Евгений Робертович
[Директор Ассоциация «Шиноэкология» ]

Айваржи Роман Михайлович
[Коммерческий директор маркетплейса Vtorion ]

Дрынкин Павел Александрович
[Генеральный директор ООО «БИЗНЕСОРБИТА»]

Царик Вячеслав Сергеевич
[Менеджер по развитию транзакционного бизнеса Промсвязьбанк]