Mir-Expo 2023

On 5-7 April 2023, the 18th International Forum Scrap of Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals and the Moscow International Recycling Expo (MIR-Expo) will be held in the World Trade Centre in Moscow
The event is organised by Rusmet Rating Agency, the General Sponsor is TransLom company; the Gold Sponsor is Kiwi Bank, the Business Partner is Gazprombank. Among the sponsors are Vtorion, ProstoBank, Business Orbit, Advanced Hydraulic and others.
The event’s Strategic Partners are the National Recycling Association RUSLOM.COM, ROSCONGRESS, the National University of Science and Technology (MISiS), and the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.
The event will be attended by the Federal Antimonopoly Service, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Economic Development, the State Duma, licensing authorities of Russian regions, as well as delegations from India, China, Iran, and Turkey.
MIR-Expo will be held in a unique non-stop networking format. This year a new participant package – Exhibitor – is introduced. More than 1,000 delegates, who are leaders in the scrap and metal markets, are expected to attend.
The business programme includes:
- Conference on production growth and optimisation of resource supply of stainless-steel enterprises. The Partner is Zlatoust Plant.
- Conference on logistics of metals and metallurgical raw materials. Partner: ROSCONGRESS Fuel Card.
- Import substitution of information and technology.
- Coal conference.
- Session on metallurgical plants’ raw material supply.
- Round table on scrap export.
- Conference on rare-earth and precious metals and scrap, e-waste.
- Workshop on control and supervision of the scrap market.
- Presentations, scientific reports, pitch sessions etc.
The International Forum Scrap of Ferrous and Non-ferrous Metals, taking place for the 18th time, will traditionally become the central event.
The Forum is a high-status business platform for scrap professionals from Russia and the world, which allows them to share best practices, address industry issues, and obtain the most up-to-date analytics and strategic information on the ferrous, non-ferrous, precious metal scrap, secondary raw materials, and environmental matters.
The annual generation of scrap in Russia is 49 million tonnes, but only less than 30 million tonnes are collected. It is crucial to stimulate not only the collection of scrap, but also the quality of its recycling.
The Eurasian Economic Union is a new and a fast-growing recycling market that generates 1.5 million tonnes of e-waste per year; this volume can be estimated at 400 million euros. At the same time, it is necessary to expand markets, increase consumption, and upgrade capacities.
The recycling of end-of-life vehicles is on the list of priority measures aimed to develop scrap industry in Russia. There are more than 60 million car owners in our country; additionally, numerous companies have their own vehicle fleets. 2 million tonnes of ferrous scrap could be potentially collected from vehicle recycling per year, followed by batteries, plastics, and rubber. This is a significant source of secondary raw materials of high value, which can be estimated at more than 10 billion euros per year. In addition, it is necessary to encourage the collection of hard-to-recover scrap through programmes for cleaning water areas, buildings dismantling, and collecting scrap in difficult climatic zones.
To achieve these goals, there is a need for a transparent business environment, equal competitive conditions, attractive investment climate for developing the technology base and infrastructure, and balanced state regulation. These pressing issues, as well as many others, will be discussed on the margins of the Exhibition and the Forum.